Legal Status of Digital Assets from the Corporate Income Tax Perspective according to the Thai Revenue Code

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Saravut Krailadsiri, our tax partner and Pichaya Nimcharoen, our tax associate recently published a journal for Thailand’s Office of Judicial and Legal Affairs of the Court of Justice, Thailand as part of “Dunlaphaha: Journal of the Court of Justice.” The article titled “Legal Status of Digital Assets from the Corporate Income Tax Perspective according to the Thai Revenue Code”, which is written in Thai, aims to provide an understanding of the implications of Thai corporate income tax on digital assets and provide suggestions to have law prescribing clearer tax status and tax liabilities of income and gains derived from digital assets.

The Abstract:

Currently, the Thai Revenue Code is amended to add income and gains derived from digital assets to be considered as assessable income under Sections 40 (4) (h) and 40 (4) (i). However, due to unique characteristics of digital assets, there has still been some unclear tax problems from the Thai corporate income tax perspective, such as tax issues on an acquisition of digital assets, changes of value of digital assets during the period of possession, and an investment in and a disposal of digital assets. Those problems may cause taxpayers to be unaware of their tax liabilities arising from their digital assets. At the same time the Thai Revenue Department may also not, at its full capacity, be able to impose taxes on income or gains derived from digital assets. To mitigate such problems, this article suggests to have law prescribing clearer tax status and tax liabilities of income and gains derived from digital assets.

Please find out more information on this link นิตยสารดุลพาห. If you wish to understand the content in English, please feel free to contact the authors.

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