Kusalin 是泰国鲲鹏律师事务所(Kudun and Partners)的律师。她在为本地和国际客户提供争议解决(包括诉讼)方面非常有经验。她的专长涵盖了多个行业,包括能源,汽车,食品和饮料以及金融服务。






Some of the recent transactions and projects Kusalin has been involved include:

  • Advising and representing a leading energy firm in claiming compensation arising from the act of tort for a substantial THB 20 billion (USD 641.2 million).
  • Defending and advising a real-estate developer on a construction compensation dispute.
  • Advising and representing a client in claims to return investment funds investment and assisting the client to settle the claim on favorable terms at mediation.
  • Representing a construction company in claiming outstanding fees on construction work from the project owner.
  • Advising and representing a group of investors in relation to the repayment of the debt in a bankruptcy case.
  • Representing one of the world’s largest multinational automotive firms in claiming outstanding debts arising from a breach of agreements.
  • Advising and representing a restaurant franchise in relation to the unfair termination of an agreement in an arbitration case.
  • Defending a leading real-estate developer company in a land dispute case.
  • Advising and representing a well-known engineer in a tort case.